Product Updates
Nov 21, 2024
4 min read

Our Surveys Underwent a Major Makeover

A tablet with RealSatisfied's new short surveys for real estate agents.

We have redesigned our feedback surveys with your clients in mind. Now, the new surveys look better, are shorter, and easier to navigate. 

What changed in the feedback surveys?

First, we’ve completely redesigned the way all feedback surveys look from start to finish. They now have a modern design, are easier to navigate, and display nicely on all devices. The new layout and design make it easier (and quicker) for your clients to complete the survey. 

Survey questions underwent changes as well. Based on your feedback, we’ve decided to remove certain questions and rephrase and reorganize others. These changes will reduce the amount of time it takes to complete each survey. 

Now, your clients can expect a much nicer experience when submitting their surveys and writing you a great testimonial! 

What stays the same?

The redesign of feedback surveys doesn’t affect your rating in any way. We made sure that with edits to questions, the way we calculate your rating from each survey stays the same.


Redesigned feedback surveys are yet another improvement introduced to the RealSatisfied platform this year. Make sure you follow us on social media to stay up to date with the latest features.

A screenshot with the testimonial screen.

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Flying fish swiftly flew by the space station.

Quis neque, eu et ipsum amet, vel et. Varius integer enim pellentesque ornare pharetra faucibs arcu. Mauris blandit egestas nibh.

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Flying fish swiftly flew by the space station.

Quis neque, eu et ipsum amet, vel et. Varius integer enim pellentesque ornare pharetra faucibs arcu. Mauris blandit egestas nibh.

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Project Update
Oct 19, 2021
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Flying fish swiftly flew by the space station.

Quis neque, eu et ipsum amet, vel et. Varius integer enim pellentesque ornare pharetra faucibs arcu. Mauris blandit egestas nibh.

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