Nov 21, 2024
4 min read

How to Generate Testimonials and Use Them to Get Referrals

A real estate agent standing, holding a laptop in her hands.

Referrals are number one on a real estate agent’s “must have” list and how most agents find new clients.

The real estate industry is heavily based on word of mouth and clients typically rely on their friends and family’s referrals when choosing a Realtor. However, since our world is primarily digital now, good old word of mouth is no longer enough.

That is why agents are now facing a new challenge, which is staying “top of mind” and relevant in a fast-moving digital world. 

First of all, get your testimonials

When to ask for a testimonial? Well, the sooner the better. Testimonials are best when they are hot from the oven, so don’t waste time and do it right after closing the deal. 

To make sure your client isn’t caught off-guard, mention the testimonial request to them face-to-face after the closing. This way your client will expect it and will be more likely to write it on the spot. 

In case your clients forgot about the testimonial, gently remind them about it via a text message or email. It’s good to be proactive and react accordingly to ensure you get as many testimonials as possible. To kill two birds with one stone, don’t forget to also include links to other places where you would like your client to leave you a review (for example, Facebook or Google Business).

A couple hunched over a computer typing a testimonial.

Using testimonials to get new referrals

First and foremost, share testimonials on your social media profiles, your website, your Realtor.com profile, and anywhere else you promote yourself online. What would be the best way to do it?

Preferably in a graphic format as it is more eye-catching, therefore it’s more likely to attract attention. Don’t worry, you don’t have to hire a designer or spend lots of time creating a graphic of your testimonial manually, there’s plenty of solutions that automatically create graphics of your testimonial. 

A personalized agent website or profile page is a great place to showcase all your testimonials. This way you can have unique content about yourself AND your testimonials all in one place, and if need be, you can always send a link to that page to a client who is interested in your services, and also include it in your email signature. 

Another great idea is to always say thanks to your client for taking the time to write a testimonial for you.

A simple phone call or even a gift card works, but remember it’s the thought that counts! A simple gesture of gratitude can leave a lasting impression in your clients memory, and they will be more likely to go out of their way for you in the future, such as recommending you to their friends and family.

A real estate agent showing a house to a potential buyer.

How RealSatisfied helps you get new referrals?

RealSatisfied is a testimonial collection platform that helps you easily generate new testimonials and automatically share them online.

The solution offers several different types of surveys and automatic publishing of testimonials to Realtor.com and your website, as well as social media. RealSatisfied creates a beautifully designed graphic of each testimonial and allows you to customize the color to better fit your brand.

RealSatisfied also gives you a customizable profile page that contains all your testimonials and allows you to “Say Thanks” to your clients by sending them a Starbucks gift cards directly from the platform. 

To find out more on how RealSatisfied helps real estate agents, go here: https://www.realsatisfied.com/agent 

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